"I promise to handle your heart with care and treasure it with love.
Talisay, Philippines [ show map ]
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I'm here to meet guys 40 to 60 years old for dating, friendship, serious relationship and networking.
About me
hAi..,its mE.. "richel! thanks for my viewing my profile ehehehe!! aHmM.,
i' m fIery bUt uNbalAnced.. aMbitIous bUt sTubbOrn.. cHarismatic bUt iMpulsIve.. aNd pAssiOnate bUt fLightLy..
pEople who mEet mE cAn't hElp bUt thInk i aM a dReamEr.. i tRy alSo tO lIve mY lIfe wth hUmiliTy aNd cOmpAssIon..
i aM wIld cRazy, aNd hUge rEbel.. i'm aLwayz uP tO sOmethIng.. i haVe a toN oF eNerGy, aNd mOst pEopLe cAn't hAndlE mE.. i aM vEry iNtenSe.. i aM dEfinItely a hAndful., aNd i'm lIkely tO gEt iN tRoubLe.. bUt mY kInd oF tRouble is aLa lOt oF fUn.. hehehehe!!
i aM uSsuAlly tHe bEst aT eVerytHing.. i sTrive fOr pErfeCtion!! (hehehehe., pAgkahangin nAlang gUwd) i aM cOnfIdent., aUthoRitaTive aNd aGrEssIve.. hehehehehe!!
i hAve tHe wHole wOrld uNder mY sPell.. aNd i cAn iNflUence mOst eVeryone i kNow.. i dOn't aLwAyz rEsiSt mY uRges tO cRush tHe wEak.. cAuse tHey dOn't hAve aS mUch gOing fOr tHem aS i dO!!
i aM fRiendly, cHarmIng aNd wArm.. i gEt aLong wIth aLmOst eVeryone.. i wOrk hard nOt tO rOck tHe bOat.. i aM eAsy gOinG aTTitUde bRings pEopLe tOgEthEr.. aT tImes i cAn bE a lIttLe fLaky aNd iRrespOnsiBle.. bUt fOr tHe iMportAnt thIngs i pUll iT tOgeTher..
i aM rElaxed, cHill, aNd vEry lIkely tO gO wIth tHe fLow.. i aM liGht hearted aNd aCcEptIng.. i dOn't gEt wOrked uP eAsiLy.. wEll aDjuSted aNd iCrediBly hAppy., mAny pEople wOnder wHat sEcret tO lIfe is..
i haVe a nAturAl bEauty., oNe tHat gOods lOok iN tHe mOrnIng., w/o tHe sTitch oF mAke up.. tHat dOesn't mEan i am tOtallY hiPPie cHic tHough.. i hAve sTyle bUt fIOr mE., sTyle is eFfortlEsS..
i aM pRecisE, sCientiFic, aNd iNtEllEctual.. mY tAlents lIe iN uNdersTandinG aNd sOlvIng mAth aNd sCience pRoblEms..
mY lIfe iS fUll oF lOve aNd fRiendshIp.. aNd i aLwAyz hAve mOre tO gIve.. i hAve aN oPen hEart.. i am wIlliNg tO tAke that leAp aNd pUt mY fAith in pEople.. i sEe tHe gOod in eVeryOne aNd eVerYtHing.. i aM a vEry sYmpAthEtic perSon.. tHe pEople i lOve mAkes mE vEry hAppy.. i fEel wArmly tOWard tHose aRound mE!!
i aM a lOyAl sIdekIck.. i aM nOt tHe mOzt vIsiBle oNe iN oUr gRoup., bUt tHat's oKay.. i'm aLwAys uP fOr a gOod tIme oR cOnvErsatiOn.. aNd i sTick wIth mY fRiends nO matter wHat., eVen iF tHat tHey're dOing tHe wRong tHing.. i bElieve in lettinG pEople fIgure oUt tHey're oWn pAth iN lIfe., cAue iT's nOt mY pLace tO iNterfeRe.. a pArt oF yOur lOyalty mEans tHat yOu'll dO a lOt fOr yOur fRiends.. i dEfinItely gO tHe eXtra mIle.. i eVen do gReat tHings fOr mY fReinds wIthout tHem aSking.. aFter alL., tHat's wHat fRiendshIp iS aLl aBoUt.. i aM tRuly a fRiend fOr lIfe.. aNd i have fRiends i 've kNown sInce wE wEre kIds.. mY fRiends cAn cOunt oN mE tO dO a fAvoR.. rEmember a bIrthDay., oR jUzt bE tHere tO lIstEn.. mY fRiends nEed mE mOst wHen., tHey cAn't tUrn tO aNyonE eLse.. i rEaLly cAn't bE fRiEnds wIth: fIckLe pEople wHo cHanGe tHeir fRiends quIckLy.. i aM uNbEliEvabLy lOyAl.. i mAy fEel uNderaPprEcIatEd., bUt iT oNly sEems tHat wAy.. mY fRiends wOuld bE lOst wIthOut mE!! hehehehe!! mY fRiendsHIp qUote iS "fRiendsHip dOublEs mY jOys aNd dIvideS mY sOrrOw!!
i am aN aMazuNg fRiend eVeryonE wHo have mE., iS iNcrEdibLy happy.. aNd jUdgIng hOw mAny fRiends i hAve tHere aRe mAny lUckY pEople iN tHis wOrld.. i can tAlk tO pEoplE eAsily., aNd i oFten tUrn tHe sTrangers iNto fRiends.. i aM aLso a gOod lIstEner.. i aM tHere fOr mY fRienDs wHen tHey nEed tO vEnt.. wIthout jUdgemEnt.. oVerall i have a gEnuine inTerest iN pEoplE aNd tHeir lives.. aNd mY fRieNds cAn tEll tAking tIme fOr mY fRiends iS vEry imPortAnt tO mE!!anNd bEcause oF tHede i hAve a lOts oF dEep aNd mEaniNgfUl fRienDsHip..
FOr mE, cHemIstry doEsn't reaLly hapPen withOut coMpaTibIliTy.. CoMpaNioNshIp aNd opEnneSs aRe the mOst impOrTant paRts oF mY relAtioNships.. WhOever i loVe sHoUld bE mY bEst fRiend.. ANd faLlIng iN lOve wiTh a gOod fRiEnd iS nEvEr oUt oF tHe quEstIon.. WHy mY lOve cAn lAst: i onLy faLl fOr pEopLe wHo i tRuLy unDerStaNd.. aNd wHo tRuLy love me...
About you
I didn't fall in love with you because I was lonely, or lost. I fell in love with you because when I saw you for the first time, it was the only time I had ever wanted to make someone a permanent part on my life....
Personal info
5'2" (157cm) and slim.