Personal info
6'3" (190cm) and average body type.
feminist Gentleman
Kilkenny, Ireland [ show map ]
I'm here to
I'm here to meet girls of any age for dating, friendship, serious relationship, networking and more.
About me
Creative,open minded, easy going,Lover of All the Arts and Anything Creative, respectful of All cultures and religions,Adventurous,open to new ideas ,cultures, religions. Nonjudgmental ,love all kinds of film and photography and especially MUSIC, which I find sooths the soul!
>"DO not let the behavior of others destroy Your INNER PEACE"!
About you
A woman whom is positive, open minded and lives in the moment would be a nice start!
Non-judgemental and see the HUMOUR and BEAUTY in ALL aspects of Life ! Age,weight,race,education,job and religion are unimportant , Soul, Heart , patience,and Compassion are !
"Never go in search of Love,
Go in search of LIFE,
And Life will find you the Love you SEEK"!