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5'3" (161cm) and average body type.
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Davao, Philippines [ show map ]
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I'm here to meet guys 34 to 40 years old for dating, friendship and serious relationship.
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So here’s my “list” on July 07,2024. It’s probably a slightly different list than I would have given a year ago. Definitely a different list than 10 years ago. And I have no doubt that as time goes on, it will continue to evolve still. But at least for today, here’s my description for what I’m looking for in a guy (or a husband).
But to be honest, my wish list for a guy is now much shorter than it used to be. Mostly because I’ve learned how to sort out what the “negotiables” and “non-negotiables” are for me. Some of those lessons come from dating and watching friends’ relationships, but most come from getting to know myself. I’m far from looking for Prince Charming, knowing that I’m certainly not Princess Charming all the time. But I’d like to think there’s a guy out there who could be a cool fit for me, and me for him, and that we could spend a marriage learning (key word – learning) how to love one another really well and bring out the best in each other.
So anyway, for minds who might want to know, here’s my list.
I’m looking for a guy who is:
Like, naturally kind. Not kind just because he thinks it’s the right thing to do, or because he thinks it will benefit him in some way, but deep-down kind.
maybe I’m biased — I think we seem to have a surplus of these kind of guys. They are the guys who genuinely want to know how you are doing. They are the guys who lend a hand or give to help someone without thinking twice. They are the guys who quite simply have what I think of as “character”, who you trust and really want to be around.
It’s a hard one to explain, but when I meet a guy who I feel is genuinely kind, it is one of the most attractive things to me. Actually, I’d probably go so far as to say it’s the most attractive thing to me.
The awesome mix of Smart + Curious + Thoughtful.
I believe all of those things come together to form a good conversationalist, which is a total non-negotiable for me. Actually, let’s frame that more positively — I absolutely adore a guy I enjoy talking to.
Ok, this one may sound weird. But I kind of hope that I find someone who has been through something difficult in life. Not that I wish that on anyone, but I feel that things like heartbreak, loss, pain, injury, grief, and disappointment have this way of shaping us like nothing else in life. And — in a weird way, I would love to meet someone who has been through that.