leto • 66
Active now!
leto • 66
Active now!

Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread ...


  Berkeley (CA), United States  [ show map ]

Some photos of me

I'm here to

I'm here to meet girls 18 to 66 years old for dating, friendship, serious relationship and networking.

About me

If you are some guy in Nigeria pretending to be a beautiful woman, you won't like me because no money honey...until we are married! 😊

I enjoy my work and I enjoy hiking, meditation, and being with one true love even more. Spirituality is very important to me and it's different than for most people. It's a long story--for later.

I appreciate and respect animals. They have feelings too so I don't eat them. I won't impose that on you but you need to be ok with that for me.

My heart has been broken before. Like the rest of me, it heals and leaves a mark. There are marks from many things: scars on my body, and those on my mind and heart. They help form my character and, hopefully, have made me a better person.

I will need to stay mostly in the US for at least the next few years so if you are open to moving to the US, please connect.

About you

The most important traits that I am looking for are: loyal and loving, responsible and conscientious, understanding and caring, honest and patient, emotionally stable. I know that's a lot to ask for. Of course there needs to be mutual attraction, not necessarily overwhelming but enough to provide a spark. Also, add in the understanding that work is required to make a relationship succeed and the willingness to do that work. With both of us putting all of these qualities together, we can create a beautiful bonfire of love that has passion as well as comfort.

You are looking for the one true love to marry until death do us part. A little bit mischievous and a lot of heart. If we turn out to be the real deal, you are ok with moving to the US for at least a few years. Given the logistics of our far apart locations, it probably work better if you either don't have children, or if they are grown up and don't need your constant presence. 😊 Also please be unmarried or divorced.

And, I have recently learned a hard lesson: even when there is true love, genuine caring, and good intentions on both sides, if it is too hard to communicate, little things can become difficult, and difficult things can become insurmountable obstacles. So, though I wish it weren't necessary to make this a consideration, please speak English fairly well. I am very open to learning whatever language you speak. It will take a long time, however, for me to become fluent. So in order to communicate effectively with me, you will need to have a good command of the English language.


Personal info

Berkeley (CA), United States
Does it matter?
5'8" (173cm) and slim.
Has children:
Wants children:
Non smoker
Non drinker
Relationship status:
Willing to relocate:
Not sure
Phd / Doctorate