Personal info
5'10" (179cm) and average body type.
Carefully considering creative connections
Austin (TX), United States [ show map ]
I'm here to
I'm here to meet girls 18 to 48 years old for dating, friendship, serious relationship, networking and more.
About me
I'm at a fork in the road in my life and want to pull off what may be impossible, but if I don't try, I'll never know what could have been. Let me explain. Many times already, I've tried to forge a family and each time, I've failed. Sometimes, I made irreparable mistakes, and other times, there were circumstances beyond my control. (The last time, my now-ex-girlfriend has a good co-parent relationship with me and I'm building a good relationship with my daughter, but it's not the same as all 3 of us being together.) Am I difficult to be in a relationship with? Am I picking the "wrong" women? Did I make impulsive choices? Is there something askew with our modern culture that few people stick together for the long haul, with the constant temptations from dating apps and social media? Whatever the reason might be, I've seen a therapist to remedy the ways that I may have contributed to these failed attempts at family; to look into the patterns and find another way forward.
With a record like this, you're probably having second thoughts and are soon to click away from my profile, but rest assured, I have good intentions. Emotionally, I'm usually calm and practical. I try to always see the bright side; I'm an eternal optimist. I want to live life to the fullest – not to just dream but to make good things happen with my own two hands and hardscrabble efforts.
I have several competing goals: (1) To keep my current career, (2) start my own business, (3) to have a girlfriend or wife, (4) to move to the Philippines without abandoning goal #2. I'm open to a foreign girlfriend moving to the USA with me, but honestly, I'd prefer to move there where her family is, and occasionally travel back to the USA.
I think I'm an excellent listener and teacher. While some of my ex-girlfriends have told me that they don't feel secure when they're with me, I think it was because I didn't feel secure myself at the time. Going forward, with a new feeling of purpose and direction, I want my future girlfriend or wife to feel loved, secure, and appreciated. I want to be her protector and mentor.
My career since age 26 or so has been in telecommunications. I work as a technician and have a decent, but not great, job. Occasionally I'm unassigned. Other times, I'm working overtime. The job is a mobile job where I could be temporarily transferred to another state at any time. As a result, I'm often on the road, staying in hotels. Regardless of my career, I try to eat healthy. I've never smoked, never done illicit drugs, and have only ever drank alcohol during holidays or celebrations, and only a few sips at that, because the slightest amount of alcohol gives me a splitting headache. I try to eat organic and try to stay away from red meats and processed foods whenever possible. My weakness is dark chocolate. I can never eat just one bite of dark chocolate.
In my desire to have a normal family and not be in semi-permanent exile on the road constantly, I have this (possibly crazy) idea to become a multi-state landlord, fixing up and renting out houses. As such, I'm an aspiring entrepreneur in the early stages of trying to make this plan come together, as a kind of side hustle supplementing my traditional career until, hopefully, I succeed in the plan. I'm hoping that my future girlfriend or wife might also be my business partner, or at least support me emotionally when I'm struggling. I may fail catastrophically, but I always have my telecom career to fall back on.
My strong inner compass keeps me honest, moral, and principled. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life, but always with good intentions, trying to pick the best course of action that would benefit the most or harm the least amount of people. I think it's a good personality feature to be able to laugh at your own mistakes.
Random fact: I don't like to kill insects, not even stinging insects. I suppose I was a Hindu in a past lifetime. My heart is heavy to see suffering or to cause suf
About you
I want to meet a lady who is friendly, social, and talkative. Someone who enjoys chatting online when we are far apart, but who wants to meet in person and be together as soon as possible. (Any long-distance relationship should be a temporary stepping stone towards the goal of being together.) I'm hoping to find a woman who takes good care of herself, is physically active, and comes from a strong family, or, if she is unlucky and comes from a broken family, then I hope that she is strong in whatever new family she has cobbled together for herself.
To me, physical attraction is just as important as emotional attraction, and mutual attraction is essential. I want to meet someone who is beautiful to me, and who finds me handsome. Otherwise, I think the relationship is doomed from the start. I realize that I'm 50 and I don't have irrational expectations. If you look at my photo or see me on webcam and your first impression is that I'm too old for you, simply move on and find someone younger. No hard feelings.
My preference is oriented more towards a natural lifestyle and appearance. I've never been fond of treeless cities, fast food, or material gluttony. I'm also not fond of high heels, fingernail polish, tattoos, excessive amount of piercings, or makeup. I'm not religious myself, but I'm inexplicably attracted to religious women, especially those who are pacifists, think that the body is a temple, and/or shun the modern world.
I'm hoping to meet a woman - of any age, within reason - who has a soft-edged personality; someone who complements me rather than competes with me, who is uplifting when I am feeling down, and who doesn't default to anger when she is feeling down. Someone who has copious quantities of empathy. Someone who puts me at ease and who I would be excited to rush home from work and hug her at first sight.
I admire a person who has a good sense of humor.
I can't stand fighting. In one of my past relationships, many years ago, I had a girlfriend who never fought with me, not even once. (We did have a few misunderstandings, but once the point was explained to the other person, everything was cool thereafter.) I'm looking to meet someone who has the same mindset that fighting is pointless and life is too short for that nonsense. Someone who agrees that it is much more productive to cooperate with each other and understand each other than to prove that the other person is wrong. Someone who chooses to be happy.
Lastly, I'm excited to have more children and have a large family, so if a woman is also desiring of this possibility, that would be great, but if not, that's also perfectly OK with me.