Personal info
5'8" (172cm) and average body type.
Nossebro, Sweden [ show map ]
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I'm here to
I'm here to meet girls 31 to 34 years old for dating, friendship, serious relationship, networking and more.
About me
I'm a 57yers old man - like to trewelling aroun the World , end my boats end my motorcykel end many more thing ,
I lives in Sweden
Cal me to more information
I hawe WHATS APP +46 702839096
End Messenger
About you
Looking for Nice happy girl/Lady , kids no problem , end non smoke ( yea you can smoke but I dont like the smell of smoke ) , trawelling lacy Days on the beach, like i hope motorcykel, end raceboats , end bikerpartys round the World
End ofcours lots of thing , end accept i working in hole Europa so i goone in sometimes 2 -4 weaks from Home ,