Queen_13 • 26
Queen_13 • 26

S T O P! 😊
Hi, there! 💕




  Cebu City, Philippines  [ show map ]

Some photos of me

I'm here to

I'm here to meet guys 30 to 52 years old for dating, friendship, serious relationship and networking.

About me

I work, I do fun, and I enjoy life. I love nature—beach waves calm me and mountains make me smile. I travel but I don't do parties. If the internet didn't exist, reading books would be my past time.
I prefer cooking over baking. I'm clingy but not a fan of love stories.

Learning is my passion and drives much of what I do. Whether it's picking up a new skill, diving into a book, or exploring different perspectives, I find immense joy in expanding my knowledge and understanding. This curiosity fuels my enthusiasm for continuous self-improvement and intellectual growth. I'm neither an introvert nor an extrovert; I comfortably navigate social situations while also valuing my personal time. This balanced nature allows me to adapt to various environments and connect meaningfully with diverse groups of people.

I hold a deep respect for cultural diversity and believe in mutual respect and understanding. I appreciate the richness that different cultures bring to the world and strive to learn from these differences. Just as I honor and respect the traditions and values of others, I expect the same in return. This open-minded approach not only enriches my personal experiences but also fosters harmonious and enriching interactions with people from all walks of life.

About you

Someone who embodies the concept of "perfectly imperfect." Who embraces their flaws and strengths alike, understanding that true perfection lies in authenticity. I appreciate someone who is genuine, with a down-to-earth nature that allows for vulnerability and growth. Is not afraid to show their true self, recognizing that imperfections are what make us unique and relatable. Always open to learning and evolving, bringing a balanced and realistic approach to life and relationships.

Moreover, I seek someone who values meaningful connections and mutual respect. This person should have a deep appreciation for cultural diversity and a genuine curiosity about the world around them. I envision a partner who respects others as much as they respect themselves, fostering an environment of understanding and compassion. Together, we would embrace life's challenges and joys, celebrating our differences and learning from each other, making our relationship a harmonious blend of individuality and shared values.

Personal info

Cebu City, Philippines
5'1" (154cm).
Related to IT
Has children:
Wants children:
Non smoker
Non drinker
Relationship status:
Willing to relocate:
Bachelors Degree
Christian - Catholic