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6'3" (191cm) and average body type.
The Nice Guy You Have Been Looking For
Atlanta (GA), United States [ show map ]
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I'm here to
I'm here to meet girls 23 to 33 years old for dating, friendship and serious relationship.
About me
Super nice guy, sweet, empathetic, mature, serious & educated. Not a game player. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't party. I love to travel. Love dogs. Love nature. Love peace. Hate drama. Looking for mature girls who are looking for *serious relationship only*. I have lived in the Philippines before so I am not a "newbie" So Please - NO scammers. NO Gold Diggers. I won't be sending you any money. Thank you.
About you
Hello! I'm actually looking for someone who is *mature-minded, *kind, *caring, has *compassion for others, and is SLIM for a serious relationship - A long-term relationship, hopefully leading to - Forever I don't play relationship games. I don't drink or smoke or do drugs or go to nightclubs. I'm looking for a girl who is *stable*(mentally mature) and can be happy in a regular life. Here's what I am NOT looking for: Someone who is materialistic and just always has wants and considers shopping a hobby or a sport.
Someone who plays games (Tampo)
etc. I'm looking for someone who is a really NICE PERSON with a GOOD HEART and compassion for others. Someone who can be flexible while getting to know someone living abroad. I'm looking for a *"Down to Earth" individual. *Easy to get along with. *Good-natured. *Happy with the simple things in life. Living comfortably, rather than requiring luxury. *Likes traveling - *but simply, and experiencing new things. *Likes big dogs
Province girls and those with province values are welcome!
Anyway, I think you get the idea. As for the Materialistic and High Drama individuals, *please look elsewhere*. If you read this to the end - YOU'RE A SUPERSTAR! Thank you for viewing my profile. And Good luck to everyone here