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5'1" (154cm) and slim.
Let's chat. ✨😉
Duero, Philippines [ show map ]
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I'm here to
I'm here to meet guys 25 to 50 years old for dating, friendship, serious relationship, networking and more.
About me
Morena beauty. Tan. Kind, gentle, sweet and so clingy. Leave a message.
Follower of JESUS CHRIST. A Woman empowered by God. ❤️
If you’re looking for a perfect CHRISTIAN woman, who have not sinned at all, I am not that. I have sinned from my past relationship and I am not perfect as you imagine. If you’re gonna judge me as to my faith, please just go and don’t message me. God bless your heart.
I don’t worship carved image or molded statues as it is written:
“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,”
Exodus 20:4-5 NIV
Here’s MORE:
I can clean the whole house, just give me very good cleaning solutions and cleaning machine. I can give you love and I can take care of you as my husband (God-given husband) . I will submit to you as your wife for it is the will of God. Gentle, loving, caring God-fearing wife.
About you
Man of GOD. Loves GOD more than anything else. Who will LOVE GOD more than ME and his Family. Believes that Jesus is his LORD and SAVIOR.
I am waiting for a Man who has the same faith as I have. Not religious but spiritually mature in Christ Jesus. There is a difference of being Religious and Spiritually mature.
Religious people are those who are acts Christian inside church, with churchmates.
People who are mature spiritually has a very deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Also you should not smoke, nor drink. If you have some tattoos, it’s fine as long as you don’t want to add any of it.
Ps: if you know yourself that this is not you, please go on and continue the search for your soulmate/partner. There’s still many more here that something you’re looking for. I really appreciate you for passing by.