Personal info
5'1" (154cm) and average body type.
Romântica 🥰
Parnaíba, Brazil [ show map ]
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I'm here to
I'm here to meet guys 48 to 65 years old for dating, friendship, serious relationship and networking.
About me
Sou brasileira, 50 anos, solteira, não tenho filhos, procuro alguém com as mesmas características, sou muito comunicativa, alegre, divertida, gosto de tudo um pouco, se queres me conquistar, seja honesto, verdadeiro.
I'm Brazilian, 50 years old, single, I don't have children, I'm looking for someone with the same characteristics, I'm very communicative, happy, fun, I like a little bit of everything, if you want to win me over, be honest, true.
About you
Desejo conhecer homens de 47 a 65 anos, honesto, divertido, comunicativo, companheiro e amoroso❤
I want to meet men from 47 to 65 years old, honest, fun, communicative, companion and loving.