kite_runner • 32
kite_runner • 32

Searching for sparks and soul connections




  Iloilo, Philippines  [ show map ]

A couple of my photos

I'm here to

I'm here to meet guys 35 to 70 years old for dating, friendship, serious relationship and networking.

About me

If you're looking for an adventurous and free-spirited partner, keep reading!

I may not have any extraordinary talents, but I take pride in my ability to count 1-10 in Spanish and maintain my balance on two feet (an essential life skill, right?).
My passions include reading, blogging about my thoughts and taking a walk on the beach.

If you're someone who appreciates deep conversations, intellectual stimulation, and a touch of humor, we might just click. Tbh, I've been on and off various dating sites for what feels like an eternity - blame it on my inability to stay consistent. Balancing a full-time job and being an awesome parent is not an easy job after all. Who has the time to perfect their online dating game when life hands you 24/7 chaos instead?

Have you seen those superhero-like online girls who seemingly live permanently on dating sites, collecting suitors like it's their full-time job? I can't help but feel a pang of envy for their dedication. Meanwhile, I'm here juggling deadlines, snack time negotiations, and bedtime stories, desperately trying to squeeze in a quick swipe or two.

However I assure you that I am a real person with a real job, real struggles, and a real desire to find someone special who's willing to embrace this beautiful mess that I am. I may not have an abundance of free time to spend online or an awesome dating resume, but what I lack in online endurance, I make up for with sincerity, laughter, and a love for creating unforgettable memories.

If you choose to run, well, I completely understand. There's no shame in seeking a slightly less adventurous path!

About you

Before you even consider joining me on this adventure, I must lay down a few ground rules, my dear friend. These are my non-negotiables, deal breakers if you will. Let's call them the "Three Strikes and You're Out" rule.

Strike one:
Criminal records. As much as I appreciate a good mystery and intrigue, I'm afraid I can't have a partner whose past involves more run-ins with the law than a star-studded celebrity. We all make mistakes, but repeated court appearances are not the kind of drama I'm searching for in a relationship.

Strike two:
Substance addiction. Now, don't get me wrong, I like to indulge in a glass of wine or a slice of chocolate cake from time to time. But if your idea of a good time is a continuous pursuit of substances that make you see pink elephants 😆, we might not be the best match. I'm all for shared adventures, but let's keep it away from the realm of illegal substances, shall we?

And last but most certainly not least, strike three:
Gambling. I've played enough games of chance in this crazy game called life, and I don't need to add poker chips and slot machines to the mix. If your love for gambling surpasses your love for family, then it's time to swipe that screen up and head to the next profile. My heart can't bear the weight of racing pulses and dwindling bank accounts.

Believe me I speak from experience. I once found myself entangled with someone whose love for these vices overshadowed their love for their own family, and let me tell you, trying to fix a person is like trying to change the ending of a book already written. It's a very hard journey one that no woman should shoulder alone.

If you can pass this crucial test and uphold these non-negotiables, then perhaps we can continue our journey together, with laughter, love, and a shared understanding of what truly matters in life. But if these deal breakers hit too close to home, then it's best that you seek your own path, and I sincerely wish you the best of luck in finding what your heart desires.

Personal info

Iloilo, Philippines
5'0" (153cm) and average body type.
Has children:
Yes (Lives with)
Wants children:
Non smoker
Rarely drinks
Relationship status:
Willing to relocate:
Not sure
College - Some
Christian - Catholic